I hear a lot about the Brown Recluse. I don't know if most people know what one looks like. I suspect that some see any old brown spider and say it was a Brown Recluse just to make conversation.
These are pics I took of a Brown Recluse. The spiders are fairly small and generally don't sit still very long. On some the rear portion of the body is much lighter in color than the example in these pics.
Watch out for these little critters. I like spiders in general, but I show these no mercy.
Roads Less Traveled
1 day ago
Nasty little bastards... my Mother was bitten by one, as was a guy that I work with a couple of years ago. He ended up spending the better part of a week in the hospital over it.
My grandfather was bitten by one when he was in his late 70s. He almost didn't survive and was left with his hand partially paralyzed.
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