Surprise, surprise, surprise.
It would be interesting to track her families history back and find out if her ancestors were enslaved by muslim traders or by members of another tribe in Africa.
Expert tip
3 days ago
A blog about living, hunting, and whatever else I want.
Bah, does not make her special. She did not suffer. Just as I did not run the barony in Bayern my great x whatever 1690s back Baron grandfathers did during the Holy Roman Empire pre-reformation period. Though I admit it would be nice to be Kaiser.
Heck, if I go back far enough I may find that my great, great, well many greats grandfather was a slave that built Solomn's temple. And you are right, many most infact of the early slaves were already slaves in Africa when loaded on boats bound for America. Many rounded up by arab slaves traders and others simply slaves of a tribe that had won the many tribal conflicts of that time---Political correctness, however hides that story so that modern day whites will feel the "white guilt" that plays into liberal hands.
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