Here is a nice bit of venison.
He wanted to come back and let us get a pic of his other side.
Here is some more with a nice helping of turkey on the side.
This is another nice chunk of meat.
Here are a couple of younger ones.
This is a shot of some very tender meat standing with next years crop.
This could be Thanksgiving dinner. The tree rat just had to get into the shot.
We could have ham for dinner.
Here are some hors d'oeuvres. Now you know the purpose of the cage and sheet metal.
I hope everyone has good luck in the hunting field this season.
Awesome! Good luck to you both!
I know #3 son can hardly wait. Interested in adapting a grandfather? Those pics bring back good memories. Good luck on the hunt.
See Ya
My dad was there when #1 and #2 sons got their first deer and turkey and he'll be here when #3 gets his first. Hopefully he'll be there when the little girl gets her first. With a little luck (and avoiding "end of life counseling) he may get to hunt with his great-grandchildren.
Wow, Do you have room for another hunter? Any way good luck to #3.
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