Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Did I hear correctly about the "Seattle Shooter"?

That he was a member of the nation of islam and something related to that called the "Seattle Black Foot Soldiers"?


  1. I hadn't heard that yet, but it wouldn't surprise me.

    I did hear Huckabee making the rounds of the talk shows, trying to distance himself from the whole thing.

    When I was a little boy, my Parents taught me that when I did something wrong, or stupid, it didn't really make it less wrong or stupid if other people did it too. What mattered was that I screwed up.

    I guess Governor Huckabee missed out on that lesson.

  2. I seem to remember that lesson from my parents, too.

  3. When I screwed up, my parents had ways to convince me not to do it again.

    Governor Huchabee needs a new job...would you like fries with that?
